IE has delivered over 1,000 MW of modular and UPS power across the globe.

AES Energy Storage – SDG&E Escondido 37.5MW / 150MWh BESS – San Diego, CA

Fluence – APS Punkin Center Project – 1.25 MW 5 MWh BESS – Arizona
Industry Leadership
IE is the industry leader in critical power, having deployed over 400 MW of modular power packages. Our hyperscale and wholescale colocation customers are increasingly deploying power in these modular packages to reduce lead times and site driven integration expenses and standardize designs across multiple sites.
IE – Engineered by Operators™
Summary Design Elements
- Integrated UPS, Switchboards, and Auto Transfer Switches (ATS) in single, plug and play package
- Closed-coupled, on-skid incoming power transformers available
- Packages with up to 3 each UPS units and up to 3 MW of Critical Power
- VRLA or Lithium-Ion battery options, on skid or adjacent skid
- Build in cooling with multiple options (chillers, DX cooling) available
- Full integration VESDA fire detection and suppression systems
- Fully manufactured to local codes and AHJ requirements; UL certifications available
- Outdoor rated enclosures for outdoor locations, or open-skid style units for placement under roof or in white-space
- In factory load bank testing available
Key Performance Specs
- Ratings of 3 x 1 MW or more available per enclosure/skid
- Footprints up to 15’ wide by 60’ long by 14’ high as required
- UL design certifications available
- Fire rated designs available
Commonly Integrated Equipment
- Structural and electrical design meeting all local codes
- UPS systems, supplied by IE or by customer
- HVAC systems
- Fire suppression systems
- Automatic Transfer Switches